Senin, 25 Juli 2011

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Google Minus: How To Be Notified When Someone Removes You From Google+ Circle

Posted: 25 Jul 2011 02:22 AM PDT

It is not a total surprise the way Google+, Google’s own Social Media alternative (rival) to Facebook, has been receiving a lot of traction and media spotlight ever since it was launched last month.Be it casual social networking with friends or serious business interactions with clients, Google+ has been offering enormous amount of social opportunities to its users. And most of it is being possible due to Google+ Circles, which can be called as the core of Google+ concept and are a combination of Facebook's Group and Twitters Follow concept.

Interestingly, there is no friend requests on Google+. You cannot send someone a request to be their friend. All you can do is, add them to your Circles. And, when you add someone to your circle, they get a notification that you have added them to your Circle. And the notification mail has this typical subject line: <Person’s name> added you on Google+

So essentially, Google+ is pretty similar to Twitter and Facebook in terms of the email notification system. But, it notifies  users ONLY when they get added in other people’s Google+circle. However, Google+ does NOT notify users when they get removed from others circle.

Google Minus: Who REMOVED You From Their Google Plus Circles UnCircle Notifier

If you happen to be one Google+ Circles user and are as curious as us to get notified when someone removes you from their circles, we have got good news! Aaron Frost has developed Google Minus Browser extensions, which notify you about people when someone removes you from their circles.

In case, you are yet to jump on to Google+ bandwagon, do check out our Easiest Trick to Receive/Send Invites To Join Google+

After you install Google Minus, you will see an alert pop up in top right corner of your Google Chrome browser with the information about who removed you from their circle. Every time the user visits, Google Minus will check the list of people who have added him/her to their circles, and if you are no longer in that list then Google Minus will let you know.

If you are a blogger, make sure you read our tutorial on How to Add Google Plus One Button to WordPress in just 2 Minutes [Without Plugins]

This goes without saying that Google Minus will probably be used as readily as the Google+ itself. Many users are Circle sensitive. Being in and out of Circles is becoming a prestige issue. And hence we feel it is ironical that Google+ didn’t consider the idea of having this Google+ UnCircle Notifier in their plans.

Google Minus extension is available for Firefox, Chrome and IE browsers. This extension is developed on Kynetx platform, which allows developers to build cross-platform apps that runs on multiple browsers. However, it also means that this browser plugin (extension) can access your browsing history data on all websites and also can track the list of your installed apps, extensions and browser themes.

If this is a tread-off that you are ready to bargain for, then go ahead and give this cool Google+ ‘Who Removed Me From Circles’ Notifier and feed your curious mind with some interesting stats.

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